Thursday, March 21, 2013

Swiss Chard with garlic

Healthy and and full of nutrients, Swiss Chard is delicious sautéed in olive oil and garlic until tender. Season with salt and pepper.



Thursday, February 25, 2010

Upcoming Workshops

Take a look at my newly updated website I've added some more dates to the workshop page for the months of March and April.

If you'd love to learn how to make pizza's from scratch or learn to make Hot Cross Buns or you'd just like to come and have a couple of hours fun, then contact me for details.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Happy 2010, New classes and New location!

I am excited to announce the start of a new year of cooking programs at "Let's All Cook" and invite you all to join me on Saturday mornings for 2 hour workshops.

I have found a wonderful new location for LAC at the Mt Calvary Church, here in Acton. The kitchen is a brand new renovation, with professional appliances and a big center island and is a perfect environment for learning.

My first cooking class is scheduled to be "Valentine's Day Breakfast" on Saturday, February 13 from 10am - 12pm. Recipes will depend upon numbers and ages of participants. Younger kids will learn cookies and cupcakes. Older kids will prepare breakfast treats.

Price is $40 per class and I will give you a $10 discount for each recommendation or family member. This cost includes all material fees and lots of goodies to take home.

* Please let me know if any adults are interested in taking future classes/workshops OR if you have any ideas or comments for future classes. I am open to ALL ideas and suggestions.

N. B. This e-mail is really for me to find out how many of my past students and parents are interested in taking cooking classes again. I will need to book the kitchen by January 18th, so please let me know ASAP and I will send you a registration form and all the details.

Please forward this info. to any friends who you think may be interested.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

"Let's All Cook" signs up with the Town of Acton

Great news! I have just signed up with the Town of Acton, Recreation department. So that means that all the classes (and more) I taught with Acton/Boxborough Community Education will be published in the town brochure. Don't call to sign up yet, please wait until the brochure comes out - registration will start sometime in March.

I have arranged to teach the classes at the Church of Good Shepherd in Acton - they have a nice large professional kitchen, so we'll have much more room and MORE OVENS to cook all our new recipes.

So, look out for the Town of Acton recreation brochure, which comes out the end of February. The Spring session will start on April 30 and last for 6 weeks. The kid's classes (Beg 1, Beg 11 and Teen supper club) have stayed basically the same, but I have added 2 morning classes. An Adult class at 9 am - 10.30am will teach budget friendly recipes to feed your family and a Mommy and Me class 11am - 12.30 pm for preschoolers.

I hope you all keeping well and warm during this snowy winter. Keep cooking with your kids, it's a great way to have one to one time with them.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Adult Cooking Classes in Acton

Did you watch Oprah a couple of weeks ago, when Suzie Orman suggested that to save money, we should not eat out in restaurants for one month! I guess it's great way to save money, but as part of the hospitality industry - I was pretty shocked! We should be supporting our restaurant industry, but let's not rely on them so much.

I love to go out to dinner for a special occasion, but why spend $50 - $100 for a mid-week meal? My big problem with restaurant meals is that the portions are getting so huge, we are teaching our kids that these plates are normal! We know that they are usually enough for 2 or 3 people - no wonder our kids are becoming overweight. Let's start a new trend and show our kids that we can produce meals at home, which are just as delicious and nutritious, but for a fraction of the cost.

So, has anyone taken her advice and what are you eating? I'd really like to know if you are saving money by shopping and cooking a hot meal for your family everyday?

My family used to be 5 mouths, but Lucy has sinced moved out and Claire is at college, so it's just the 3 of us now. However, I have always tried to cook a meal for my family, even when I work nights with the catering company. Maybe, living in a small "rural" town in Massachusetts helps, due to lack of fast food restaurants, but with a little planning and good cooking techniques under your belt, it's a good habit to get into.

For the past 4 years, I have taught kids to cook in the Acton area, and now I think it's time to teach their parents. Since Lucy moved into her apartment, I've enjoyed passing on family recipes to her via my blog Recipes4mydaughters, I hope you take a look at them and have fun making them.

If you are interested in taking cooking classes with me, I can schedule "hands-on" workshops at the Church of Good Shepherd in Acton any morning. Gather a group of friends together and I'll teach you how to plan your grocery shopping and cook economical, delicious and healthy meals for your family and freezer. We'll make quick and easy recipes and you'll learn culinary tips and techniques from a professional chef. Contact me at if you would like more information. "Let's all Cook" - and save money together!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Mommy and Me Cooking Classes

Is your child a fussy eater? Are you sick and tired of chicken nuggets and french fries? Would you like a start a new and fun class with your preschooler and introduce him/her to new and healthy foods? or Do you love to cook with your child but would like to learn new easy recipes.

If yes, yes, yes is your answer - then why not try my new cooking class. I will bring all the recipes, food and equipment necessary to make fun and delicious meals, which you will prepare with your child. The class is designed for upto 10 Moms (or Grandparent), so you will also get to make new friends and get cooking tips and ideas from a professional Chef and eat lunch!

We will plan to make 3 dishes per week, with lots hands activity for your preschooler, such as pizza bugs, Italian wedding soup, apple and pear sauce, carrot cake cupcakes and much more...

Did you know that, aswell as having lots of fun, cooking teaches kids lots of other things -
Math skills: Counting, Fractions, Sorting, Money, Sequencing- what comes 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Weighing, Measuring, Shapes, Colors, Problem solving-what happens if something goes wrong.
Reading skills: Improving their reading skills, Vocabulary through new words.
Chemistry and Science lessons: Discovering food groups, Making predictions, Experimenting, How food grows, How food changes while cooking, Five senses, Sensory exploration, Smelling and feeling the ingredients while cooking.
Geography lessons: Cultural recipes, Where food grows.
Art lessons: Creating, Creativity-make their own unique recipes
History lessons: Recipes through generations, Family recipes/family history.
Health lessons: How to eat healthy, Food safety, Good nutrition.
Social Skills: Responsibility, Safety and Cleanliness, Working together, Sharing, Building self esteem.
Fine motor skills: Chopping, whisking, kneading, pouring, mixing, cutting and rolling.
So, I hope you'll come and join us on Thursday, January 29 at 11 am at the Church of Good Shepherd, 164 Newtown Road, Acton, MA 01720. More class details can be found at

Please e-mail me at to register.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Changes for Let's all Cook

If you've been to my website, then you have found out that I have cancelled my cooking classes for kids with Acton Community Education. But do not despair, I am as we speak (or blog) making arranging for classes to be held at a new location in Acton. Nothing has been finalised yet, so I can't give you any details yet, but I'm still planning on classes starting next month.

Please stay tuned to this blog or my website and I will let you know all the new details - location, dates, times etc.

Here is the letter that I posted on my LAC website:

To all my loyal old and new students and parents,

I'm sorry if you have tried to register for my cooking classes today, through Community Education in Acton, and have been told that my classes have been cancelled.

As you may know, I have not been happy with the kitchen facilities at the high school and have been thinking of finding an alternate location. So, last month I made the decision to cancel and look for a better kitchen to continue my teaching.

This new location will bring a new exciting year for "Let's All Cook" with a real industrial kitchen and proper work tables. I also hope to add more one-day workshops for those who cannot commit to a six week session.

Please be patient with me while I work out the details this week. I am still planning on starting classes in February and I will keep you all informed of location, dates and times as soon as possible.

Thanks again and don't hesitate to e-mail me at if you have any questions.